Million Lint is a VSCode extension that helps identify and fix performance issues in React applications. It aims to make it easier for developers to keep their React websites fast by providing suggestions to optimize slow code.

The team

Team behind Million Lint

The creators(Aiden Bai, John Yang, Nisarg Patel) noticed that existing profiling tools like React DevTools and Chrome DevTools are often too complicated for most developers to effectively use for performance debugging. Million Lint takes a different approach by combining static analysis during compilation with runtime analysis when the app is running.

The Process

During compilation, Million Lint injects handlers into the React components to capture render information, timing data, and metadata when the app runs in dev mode. It also collects bundle, network, and state manager insights asynchronously without impacting build times.

Typical profile to debug performance issue, kinda complicated?

This collected data is then fed into the VSCode extension, which surfaces optimization suggestions, including utilizing the experimental Lint++ language model to automatically discover potential fixes.

The goal of Million Lint is to make performance optimization more accessible by guiding developers through identifying and resolving slow code, even if they lack deep performance tuning expertise.

Initially, Million Lint is focused on unnecessary re-renders in React apps, but the team plans to expand to handle other performance bottlenecks across the web infrastructure stack.

The Million Lint compiler and VSCode extension will be open-sourced soon, while Lint++ will be offered as a paid service to sustain development. The team is looking for talented engineers to help build out this vision of automated web performance tooling.

Installing Million Lint

Get started in one command by running this in any React app:

npx @million/lint@latest

via npx

bun add @million/lint@latest

via bun

npm install @million/lint@latest

via npm

pnpm install @million/lint@latest

via pnpm

Install VSCode extension

Go to the VSCode Marketplace and install the Million Lint extension.

Cost of Million Lint

The million lint team noted they would consider to charge the Lxint++ service at $20 per month for 100 lints. For more frequent users, we are still working on the details, but the idea is to charge based on the number of lints you translate to code. We believe this aligns our incentives with yours: we only make money when we make your app faster.

I really hope to see the team through, especially as they are a young team, bringing yet another lint tool into the unsettling JavaScript ecosystem.